Thursday, January 19, 2006


Fucking flu bug. It seems like Im never gonna recover from the flu bug anytime soon. The cough and flu have causing lots of discomfort in my pass week. And I think Kelly and Mellie caught the stupid bug from me. Haiz, Life really sucks... Checked out the adidas concept shop today as they were having 40% storewide sale. Sounds enticing rite, but when I got there, the limited edi shoes look pretty ugly. Only the Mohamad Ali endorsed shoes look decent. However, blast have gotten it for Calvin so I should not buy the same pair. Went to queensway to check out some blinkblinks over there. Yet again I was disappointed as the range was little and the nice ones are pretty pricy. So I ended up buying nothing and headed back to Blast practice in UCC. Dance ended espacially early today. This is the first time that I walk home with the sun still up. I certainly wish that there are more of these occassions where I can have dinner at home. Anyway, this sat is the centennial dinner performance already. Alrite man, my first official performance choreoed by Pat.
Last but not least, take care of yrself frens. Espacially Mellie and Kelly which I pass the virus to... Love ya.


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