Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy CNY!!!!

A happy cny to all mine readers. Yeah, I seriously hope that its gonna be a better year ahead. Just a small note to all morphosians, work hard and strive towards getting into the finals of danceworkz. Its tough and therefore and train even harder so that we can prove the crtics wrong.
Well every new year can only be completed with the world gambling championships. I started off pretty brightly and won abit(well atleast I wasn't losing). Anyway, Ivy bought some cuttlefish for me. Am so touched, atleast she remembered that I loved eating that. However Im pretty puzzled at times by her. Sometimes she treats me nicely and at times she might just ask me to Fuck off... Maybe its just all woman. Im just glad that we're still on talking terms.
I need to start writing my resume. Arghhhhh, gonna graduate already! This means no more dancing, soccer, slacking and gaming. On a happy note, it also means more money and getting to know more people.
Alrite people, Happy Cny yet again and may all of ya dreams and wishes come true...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

backdate and updates

It seems that time is like passing fast for me. Before I knew it, its like wed again. The performance for the centennial challenge was finally over. I must swear that I really din mean to screw things and I worked really hard. But shit happens again. On the happier note, Damon, Justin, Paulina, Winnie, Clara, Nadin and me manage to squeeze into a tuscani to head towards Liquid room. Hell yeah, its really different when u club with fellow dancers. Everything seems cooler, all the moves and groove. Man, the feeling is like a level higher when u club.
School was pretty much the same, boring... Anyway the first week of tutorial for me is like nothing man. I got 2 tutorials in even weeks and another is cancelled this week. Basically I only went for MNO tutorial where I see like the largest amount of Indians in my tutorial class ever. No offense, ppl, espacially my indian comrades but im just slightly taken aback as you guys speak faster then me. Homework and homework.... essays after essays. I can see it all coming again. Anyway I screwed in blast lesson again. Think I seriously need to go for personal technique class. Somehow, alot of moves that are pretty technical are turning into serious trouble for me. Yes, I will take Pat's advice on watchin more MTV.....

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Friends to the rescue!

If you ever wondered who are your true friends, just take a look for a great example of my previous blog's comments. You can distinctively see my friends and Ivy's friends and they are good examples of true friends who will stand up for me and Ivy. Anyway, just some addition to what my friends say, maybe you guys (who are standing up for Ivy or the XY aka da bitch) would have the balls to leave your names. In addition, tell me something more interesting other then my English suck which I knew all my life. However, Im pretty honoured that you sweared in the name of your god for me, Hmmmm... thanks for degrading your god that in turn honoured me in the process loser.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

About being jerky

Just to make my point clear, me being a jerk has nothing to do with ya my ex. Prior to today, I have never read your blog for the past month. So I have no idea what da bitch told ya until this morning. Well all I can say about the holding other gals in the club, I only held 1 gal that nite and she is my fren not any random gal. There is nothing else I did. You just lack of confidence and jumb into conclusion that I have cheated on ya. Think about it, if i really did cheat on ya, I would not have hide from ya already rite since we are apart now.
A final word to XY aka da bitch, the incident is like 1 year already and Ivy and me have already splited. So wats ya point of saying all these. Besides being a bitch that you are already one, I see no other reasons why you have to tell Ivy what happen so long ago. That nite you also held random guys in the club and im not even going into detail. So why dun you try repairing ya reputation in NUS before starting to bitch on others.....


Fucking flu bug. It seems like Im never gonna recover from the flu bug anytime soon. The cough and flu have causing lots of discomfort in my pass week. And I think Kelly and Mellie caught the stupid bug from me. Haiz, Life really sucks... Checked out the adidas concept shop today as they were having 40% storewide sale. Sounds enticing rite, but when I got there, the limited edi shoes look pretty ugly. Only the Mohamad Ali endorsed shoes look decent. However, blast have gotten it for Calvin so I should not buy the same pair. Went to queensway to check out some blinkblinks over there. Yet again I was disappointed as the range was little and the nice ones are pretty pricy. So I ended up buying nothing and headed back to Blast practice in UCC. Dance ended espacially early today. This is the first time that I walk home with the sun still up. I certainly wish that there are more of these occassions where I can have dinner at home. Anyway, this sat is the centennial dinner performance already. Alrite man, my first official performance choreoed by Pat.
Last but not least, take care of yrself frens. Espacially Mellie and Kelly which I pass the virus to... Love ya.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

the jinxing continues.

Was suppose to have a soccer match with the redjacks but somehow one of the idiots, (no names) turn his hp off thus the groundsman information of rained off pitch is not passed on to us. To top up to that i sprained my ankle while playing ard with the ball. And now it looks swollen which should not happen as my ankle is already loose. I wonder how is it going to affect my dancing practices man. yesh i continued to dance practice rite after the soccer practice. Felt so technically untrained man. Cant even do a proper bodyroll!! argh life suckz.. im going to really train hard man even on the expense of the bad ankle. Oh did i mention that my sore throat and flu has gone up another level. yes indeed life suckz.

Slap myself

Yes i totally deserve the slap that i bestowed to myself. Why am I forever acting like a jerk. Sometimes, i wonder if im like send down from heaven to just hurt ppl and in the end hurt myself. And yes i have successfully hurt another person that i care about. Man she was probably the person that i care most currently. I really din know that you were into it so much. Was thinking that you know wat am i made off and understand that im pretty much a zero commitment giver atleast in terms of relationships. I suck yes i know. But thats why I can neve be attached. Gals with me will 97% get hurt 98% feel sad 99% cry and 100% hate me after all love has ceased. And i really dun want you to hate me babe and assholes like me seriously dun deserved to be loved. Colourless lovelife....


Oh damn, Funka really brought the house down man. All teams were pretty much well match atleast to me. Was pretty disapointed that Stizers nor da coup wont in the top 3 thou. Anyway, the atmostphere was awesome and guess what, im outta voice now.
Yeah, its been like a week of non stop dancing and i think that my body is disintegrating away. oh fuck i seriously hope that this fucking flu virus gets off my back so i can concentrate on dance. To top up my misary, I doing retard stuff like forgetting to collect money after withdrawing them from the ATM machine. Damn, wtf is seriously happening to me man. Maybe its smoking, i heard it kills brain cells. Or maybe its just me forever being ignorant and forgetful. Watever, a mistake made is a lesson learn... I seriously hope that the bloke who took my money burn in hell..
Ever since I join blast, Its like I have started to lose interest in clubbing (that includes the joys like possibility of getting laid). Somehow, dancing seems more satisfying then sex. Oh damn, think there will be like dozens of infidels, bitches and blokes going to have my neck by saying that. Well, who gives a fuck. Back to the point, dancing really do brings out a kind of satisfaction that sex dun. Its like when one have tasted cheese, he would not want milk. OK, bad comparison to most but i do prefer cheese.
I am suppose to be sleeping now as u ppl know that Im not feeling well and alittle cranking. So guys its time to sign off. Love ya mellie....

Friday, January 13, 2006

Past memories....

It was raining so much these few days that there was a landslide in NUS yesterday. Damn i wonder if one fine day Arts Canteen will collapse. Anyway, today's DW practice don't seem to be rather fruitful. Just did a few moves and WALA its 10pm. It just hits me that time really passes pretty fast. Year 1 seems so near, yet Im like graduating after this sem. Looking back at my life, i seriously didn't achieve anything much. Espacially in my love life, oh damn there i was thinking of ya again. Ivy Ivy..... memories seems so beautiful when u can feel them. Well there is only me to be blame i guess. She's doing well now, so its a good decision thou. Hmmm... I only had her as gf for the whole of my NUS life. I had like more girlfriends when i was like in JC. Damn, life suckz.
Well, its also good for me atleast i could do stuff that i want without having to hurt anyone in the process. Stuff like dancing, clubbing, flirting and sports. Seems abit unfair to Ivy thou as she never stop me from doing sports but you sure did hated me doing others. And Im not sayin that flirting during in a relationship is correct. I just felt that if I would have known you later, I would probably have settled in much better into our relationship. Well i guess i can never be able to settle down. Guess wat, that is why my blog is titled to be like that. DUH....
Yes the first week of school is over, by that anyone could have guessed that my free day is on Friday which I will be probably working weekly. I guess im going to be on relax mode as i figured out that my cap has a buffer of .2 which means i can get 2.6 and still graduate with a merit. Haha, sorry Mellieeee... was not directed at ya. Anyway, In MNO lect today, thought i was going to do the module alone but yea, bean is doing it also. after lect, I bunked in to Kumar's hall in the next 2 hrs b4 heading to AS7 for dance. Damn I was so worn off that I actually fell asleep on his uncovered bed. And yes No HAROLD AND KUMAR jokes. We are pretty much sick being linking with them when we are nothing like them. In fact I feel more like Kumar in the show and Kumar feels more like me in the show. Oh shugz why am I still talking bout it.
K, todays post is way too long, Shall sign off.......

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Damn, I just can't stop dancing. It all started from the holis after Blast camp when Chiangzzz won the best dance group. I have like been practicing for Danceworkz, Hiphophunt and CFA cenntinal dinner. So many dance steps, and yes im not the best dancer there. So its been pretty stressed up for me. And yes annoucement to make, I picked up smoking. Many thanks to Mellie that offered me the first stick and teaching me the ethics of smoking. Wats next, Weed maybe? yea yea, Why start now after fucking 24 years of my life. I don't know, just hope to atleast try something new.
Funkamania Semis is on this coming Sat and yes im there to support My Coup. Its at Ngee Ann City kicking off at 6 plus i think. Shit, thats my cousin's birthday. And Im going to MOS that nite for Sheares bash. Arghh, Im SCREWED.
K this post is getting too lengthy I shall end it here. Chowzz.


Im beginning to think if im a jinx. Mellie got the 3rd parking ticket while hanging with me. Wats worse is that this is the 3rd in like less then 3 months. shuckz.... Why are unfortunate stuff happening to people that i hang ard with and ppl whom i care. damn it, maybe its a good choice to be an infidel, so as to not get ppl close to me into trouble.
On the happy note, am glad that school has started. Was able to see the shit stirers and some others that i miss during the holis. Oh ya, funka semis is on this sat. looking forward.....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Official opening!!!!!

I, Harold declare this blog officially opened. Oh yes, for u infidels, pls feel free to add any comments that are non offensive to the blog. And for my friends, yes this is how i am now. So go ahead and raise yr brows when u see me next time. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya to all muslims.

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